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In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away

- shing xiong

My ultimate goal is to contribute to the betterment of the world so that everyone will be benefited until the end of the world.

Every single blink of your eyes on this page, is my Inspiration

Thank you ♥♥♥

Let's laugh with buoyancy

“Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.” ― Seán O'Casey

Networking is the pathway to opportunity.

The mark of a good conversationalist is not that you can talk a lot. The mark is that you can get others to talk a lot. Thus, good schmoozer’s are good listeners, not good talkers. - Guy Kawasaki

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.

“No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate you are, your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to build and inspire a team.” ― Jarod Kintz

Writing is the key to successful business communication.

When you are ready to reach out to the gatekeepers, make sure you approach them correctly.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Benefit of Networking

"Try calling that recruiter back after you've snubbed them and now you're in trouble. Yeah, right."

Networking. How many times have we heard it? It’s like saying, “Bless you” when you sneeze. It has, in a sense, lost its real meaning.
How you network can make all the difference in your career success. If you want to get ahead, your networking skills have to be sharp, savvy and yes, leveraged in such a way to propel you forward. Otherwise, you pretty much run the risk of getting overlooked for promotions, considered as a great candidate for a new job or advancing your current position.  
When given a choice, people will always do business with people they know or with a person that has come highly recommended by a valued and trusted member of their network. The benefits to networking are endless but you have to be good at it. Really, really good.  Great networking improves your ROI on:

  • Friendship benefits: You’ll make new friends that last for a lifetime.
  • Receiving and giving advice: You’ll get viewed as an expert.
  • Opportunities: Whether you garner upward career mobility or are making a move, employers want people who are highly recommended from others in like or supervisory positions. Your network can give you that.
  • Assistance on the job:  You have somewhere to go for assistance, suggestions, referrals and  you even have someone  covering your back or giving you a heads-up when you goof.
  • Positive influence: You become who you associate with.
Here are five of the biggest networking mistakes you can make:

1.  Avoid a great profile on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is your biggest advantage for entry into good, solid networking.  It has become the winning social media tool for career networking. Whether you are trying to grow your reach, find content or explore opportunities, this virtual meeting vehicle is the first and last stop for many professionals. The latest trend is employers are looking at your LinkedIn profile at the same time they are reviewing your resume. Potential contacts who can give you career help will also check you out first on LinkedIn.
However, you will generate no interest without an interesting summary. LinkedIn is not a playback of your resume. To attract contacts, you’ll need to demonstrate your personality, take on the business world and show your worldliness. If you want to be taken seriously, you cannot go without a full and professionally written LinkedIn profile.

2.  Don’t go to association meetings, seminars and get-togethers.
It’s one thing to join your association. It’s another to work the networking advantages it brings. Face-to-face encounters render far longer benefits than an occasional email to someone you have never met.  People tend to remember you. What will you learn from association networking? What’s happening in your community, new techniques, where the jobs are, the latest software, what firm is doing what (so you can take that information back to your firm and be valuable to management), salaries, and important events. It’s a great way to stay current, uncover “hot buttons” in your field and who knows? You might even have a little fun.

3. Be sure to alienate every recruiter who calls you.
Networking needs to include recruiters. Connect with them. They are invaluable. They hold the key to hundreds of contacts: HR, managing partners, CEO’s, COOs, VP’s, supervisors, in-house legal counsel, legal service providers, colleagues and more. They know salaries, firms, trends, and in particular, where the field is headed. In fact, they often know if your firm is in trouble before you do.
Don’t be so smug if a recruiter calls or emails you about a new position. I can’t tell you how many times people ignore the call or treat the recruiter abysmally only to wake up a few weeks or months later to find their firm is laying off, merging or otherwise purging. Then what? Do you know where to go? You think back. “Oh! I’ll call that recruiter who called me about that job.” Right.  Try calling them back after you have snubbed them. Most likely, they won’t take the call.

4.  Don’t network with colleagues in your firm.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they are networked in social media; go to association meetings; build a network; and reach out into the community but neglect to network within their own firm!
If you're able to build rapport with hiring authorities at your firm, you can be the first to find out about forthcoming internal promotions and strategically position yourself for growth.
Similarly, you may discover the firm is opening a new satellite office in your dream destination, and if you're connected with the right person, you could get a head start on applying for the transfer.
Who do you know? Some of the most important people to connect with are the conduits to the power in your firm. That is, someone who can speak for your job category. Network with colleagues, partners, associates, managers, administrators, staff – be sure to include everyone. People can tell you what’s going on in your own firm.  You’ll get noticed. Everyone wants to be with a winner that other people respect. Hanging out alone in your office or cubicle will not get you advanced up the ladder.

 5.  Ignore the benefits of networking.
Continuing to build new relationships and nurture exisiting contacts can be tremendously beneficial as your network grows into the next phases of their career.
Success stories such as Whoopie Goldberg, Mark Cuban, Warren Buffett and Jay-Z all rose from humble starts. You can be sure those who showed them support with no agenda during their growing pains enjoyed the ride once these icons’ careers exploded.
The key is to keep your networking process going without needing to ask for anything in return. Show genuine interest in other people and their hopes, wants, dreams and desires.  Ask questions they'd be excited to answer. Listen carefully to what they say and you'll have surrounded yourself with a circle of people who would not only be willing but excited to help take your career to the next level.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Trademarks, Patent, Copyright, Industrial Design (Intellectual Property Rights in Bangladesh)

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Trademarks, Patent, Copyright, Industrial Design (Intellectual Property Rights in Bangladesh
IP Law Bangladesh

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

১৯০৮ তামাদি আইন (Limitation Act 1908)

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জেনে নিন তামাদি আইনের কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ন তথ্য-
-তামাদি আইন ১৯০৮ সালের ৯ নং আইন। ৭ আগস্ট ১৯০৮ সালে এটি পাশ হয় এবং ১৯০৯ সালের ১ জানুয়ারিতে কার্যকর হয়।
-তামাদি আইন, ১৯০৮ –এ মোট ধারা ২৯।
-তামাদি আইন, ১৯০৮ –এ মোট ১৮৩ টি অনুচ্ছেদ আছে এবংবর্তমানে ১ টি তফসিল আছে।
-৩টি ধারা এবং ২টি তফসিল বিলুপ্ত হয়েছে।
-তামাদি আইনের বিধান অনুসারে আপীল ও অন্যান্য দরখাস্তের দায়েরের ক্ষেত্রে বিলম্ব মওকুফের আবেদন করা যায়।
-স্থাবর সম্পত্তির দখল পূনরুদ্ধারের তামাদি ৬ মাস [৩ নং অনুচ্ছেদে বলা আছে] ।
-ক্ষতিপূরনের মামলা দায়েরে তামাদি কাল ৯০ দিন [২ নং অনুচ্ছেদ] ।
-মানহানির দরুন ক্ষতিপূরনের মোকদ্দমার তামাদি কাল ১ বছর ।
-তামাদি আইনের ৬ ধারায় বৈধ অক্ষমতার (Legal Disability) বিধান আছে।
-তামাদি আইনের ১৪ ধারার বিধান মতে এখতিয়ারবিহীন আদালতে সৎ উদ্দেশে পরিচালিত কার্যধারার সময় বাদ যাবে ।
-তামাদির বিরুদ্ধে প্রতারনার অজুহাত উত্থাপন করা যায় ১৮ ধারা মতে।
-আলো বাতাস প্রবেশ ও ব্যবহার চলাচলের পথ জলস্রোত, পানির ব্যবহার বিষয়ে ইজমেন্ট অধিকার কোন ধারায় বর্নিত তামাদি আইনের ২৬ ধারায়।
-তামাদি আইনের২৬ ধারায় সুখাধিকার অর্জন (Acquisition of right to easements) সংক্রান্ত বিধান আছে।
-দলিল রদ বা বাতিল করার তামাদি কাল ৩ বছর [তামাদি আইনের ৯১ অনুচ্ছেদে]।
-স্বত্ব সাব্যস্ত খাস দখলের মোকদ্দমা দায়েরর তামাদি কাল ১২ বৎসর [তামাদি আইনের ১৪২ অনুচ্ছেদে বর্নিত আছে]।
-মৃত্যুদন্ডাদেশের বিরুদ্ধে আপীল এর তামাদি কাল ৭ দিন [১৫০ অনুচ্ছেদে] ।
-খালাসের বিরুদ্ধে আপীল দায়েরের তামাদি কাল ৬ মাস।
-একতরফা ডিক্রী রদের জন্য বিবাদী কতৃক দায়েরকৃত দরখাস্তের তামাদি কাল ৩০ দিন [তামাদি আইনের ১৬৪ অনুচ্ছেদে বলা হয়েছে]।

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